through the walls: reflections / a través de las paredes: reflexiones
In November 2019, I was honored with an invitation for a solo exhibition at the Museo Textil de Oaxaca. Work in this exhibit includes wall constructions as well as new work created or inspired by two artist residencies in Oaxaca (2016 & 2018).
artist statement
When I first arrived in Oaxaca the day after Trump won the 2016 US Presidential election, threats of building a border wall loomed large and became the focus of my work. Walls are often built in times when a people or country feels unsafe and in need of protection. They can be a physical manifestation of the desire to divide, defend, or safeguard a culture. They can hide people and places and make it hard to “see” who is on the other side. They can push certain groups out and let other groups in. They could represent security and safety, but do not represent freedom. Wandering and photographing Oaxacan streets and countryside, I found comfort and inspiration in the beauty and history of both ancient and contemporary Oaxacan walls. They helped me explore Mexican history and culture and the way artists have built and responded to walls now and in the past. I began to see the concept of “wall” in multiple ways. No longer just a physical barrier, walls can also be conceptual: a state of mind. They are elements of support; can hold a roof in place; provide shelter; be a surface for murals, art, communication and protest.
wall constructions (link)
through the walls: large format archival pigment digital mono-prints on paper( handmade by Teddy in Oaxaca); stitched with silk embroidery floss
openings: spaces created through shapes inspired by the patterns of Zapotec Mitla ruins
openings-pueblo; flax paper sculptures; 30 x 29 x 10 inches; 2019
openings I, II and III
©2010-2024 teddy milder. All rights reserved.